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What is Inclusive Education ?

>> Friday, May 11, 2012

What is Inclusive Education ? Why do we need Inclusive Education?

Inclusive Education is when all children, whether able or disabled, rich or poor, boys or girls study together under one roof.
Disability is not a “disease” and cannot be cured by medication. You cannot “catch” disability by being with a disabled person. A majority of persons with disability can be made self sufficient through education and training. People with disability have similar thoughts, feelings, and ambitions like any “normal’’ person. They want to laugh ,play ,learn , have friends, go out and work like you and me.

We need Inclusive Education because everyone is a part of our Society. When children learn together, they learn not to be prejudiced about one another. Children with disability can be and are being educated in mainstream schools. Adults with disability who have gone to special schools have themselves said that they learnt more in mainstream schools.
No one would like to be separated from their brothers ,sisters, neighbours and friends only because they are different. Through Inclusive Education we can have a tolerant Society where all are respected.
Inclusion is a process not an event. It will not happen in a day or even a year. All of us have to continuously and constantly work for it.


The Govt. of India has started a scheme called ‘Sarva Siksha Abhiyan’ or Education for all without any discrimination.
Inclusion of children with disability into mainstream schools has benefits for everyone. Children with disability have more friends, learn from their normal friends and live in the same society as others instead of being in a separate special school. This raises their confidence and self-esteem. Normal children learn about differences, learn to adjust, be tolerant and more helpful to others.
Parents benefit,as studying in a regular school is less expensive than studying in a special school. They also feel a part of the community. The regular schools are usually closer to the house and so save time.

Society at large benefits, as educated people with disabilities can contribute to the progress of the country and will not be seen as burdens by their families and society. Inclusion can spread to other issues like communal harmony. A more tolerant and unified society can be created.

“One must be the change one wishes to see in the World .”
- By Suman Giri


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