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Our School BioData

>> Friday, May 11, 2012

Name of the Society : Kadamtala Welfare Society for Community Initiatives in
                                      Inclusive Education .
Name of the Institution : LITTLE ANGELS SCHOOL
                                            (For both Able & Disabled)
Date of Establishment : 2009
Location : Vivekananda Pally, P.O. Kadamtala . Dist. Darjeeling. Pin: 734011
Concept of the School : Inclusive Education  as per the Govt.’s  new policy:
                                       ‘  Right to Education for All ‘
Registration No : S / 1L / 81770
Foundress  and Principal : Mrs Sabina Pradhan (Giri)
                                               B.A. Montessori Trained.
                                               Certificate of CII course –ADAPT  Mumbai 2008,
                                                Under The Women’s Council (U.K.)
                                                Recently participated The North –South Dialogue
                                                In Goa from 19-23 Feb 2012 where 12 countries

Our School Moto : Together for a Better Tommorow.

Aims & Objectives of the School :

                                                          To create awareness among the people about
                                                          the Importance of education, specially among girl
                                                          Child as well as disabled children. To promote
                                                          Education to all without any discrimination.
                                                          To promote Inclusive Education in our Society.
                                                          To give opportunities to the poorer section of
                                                          our Society by giving free education to their child.


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